Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Long time, no blog......So sorry it's been so long since we've sent out an update.
Thomas and I have now been here for a little over 2 months and it's been interesting to say the least. We've been so busy here, or maybe it's just the new york city mindset that we just always "feel' busy." I put a ton of pics so enjoy!!! Thomas and I went biking through Central Park one day and stumbled upon a "roller-skating disco block party" I seriously was the biggest tourist, I just stood there for 30 minutes and took pictures. The video above is absolutely histerical. This guy is like Mr.trying-to-be-cool-and-show-off-my-dance-moves-guy, and the next thing you know he almost falls and tries to play it off.

The view from biking through Central Park.

This was one of my favorite places to go to walk or read. It's the Hudson River,right across is New Jersey.

For Thomas' b-day in September we went to this restaurant that's on the top floor of a building and revolves. The view of the city is wonderful. We ended up getting the dessert bar...we both had a sugar crash on the way home.

I love this building. Everytime we pass it I take a picture. It has all this beautiful sculpting. It reminds of of buildings in Europe.
FAO Schwartz Toy Store.Ummm...I feel like a kid everytime I walk in this store. I seriously want to by the entire line of barbies!!!

You're probably wondering why in the world we're holding up the number 2. Well, we're standing out in front of the theater where "Wicked" the musical is performed. It's the number 1 broadway show right now so the cheapest tickets are $120. Obviously we can't afford that so every night before a show they have what's called a lottery. What you do is line up and sign your name on a card and they draw 13 names. Normally there are between 200-300 people there. So this picture was taken the time we won tickets a second time. WE have now won tickets 4 times in a row. This is seriously impossible!!! Every time one of our friends is in town we all go to try to win tickets. So far all of our friends have been able to see the shoe front row center for $26. Thank you Jesus!!! This show is amazing, if you're ever in NYC go to the lotto and try and win tickets.

This is the apple store here. You go inside this glass building and walk underground to see all the apple stuff. How cools is this building!!!
This is down in Battery Park. This sculpture is actually debris from the World Trade Center buildings.Thomas and I went to Hoboken which is a quick subway ride to New Jersey with a great view of Manhattan. We were walking around and almost passed out when we saw a Panera...why must you ask. Well, there are hardly any chains in the city, its really expensive to eat out, and there are no free refills on drinks. So Panera was familiar cheap and had free refills!!!!! Thomas had like 12 diet Pepsi's.

Thomas and I also went to ground zero on 9/11, went to "Top of the Rock (the top of the Rockefeller center,which has a better view than the Empire state building) and found some amazing places to eat.
One of my best friends Lindsay lives here and is staff with Campus Crusade for Christ. So it's been so much fun hanging out with her. It's such a blessing to have a friend on one of our travel assignments. Thomas and I are here until the middle of Dec then it's back home for 2 weeks and then we're back to Salt Lake City to snow board again for the winter!!!! We miss everyone and can't wait to see you. Love and Blessings Thomas and Crystal

Friday, August 24, 2007

Finally...New York

Well, it has taken longer than we originally anticipated, but we have finally made it to New York. We learned a lot during this "In-Between", but we are definitely ready to get back to semi-normal life.

Today we moved into our new studio apartment on West 80th Street, which is a couple of blocks from Central Park. The apartment is the Swiss Army knife of the apartment world. You get everything you would find in a normal apartment...all in one room. It is impressive if nothing else.
Here are some pictures of the new pad.

Come and visit if you get the chance.

Thomas and Crystal

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

National Parkin' It

We just got back from an exciting few days camping and hiking throughout the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Parks. We had a blast and saw some amazing things.

The first two nights were spent in the Grand Tetons National Park. The first night it was made clear to me that Crystal was not playing around when came to the threat of bears. No precaution was overlooked. And to her credit, we didn't get attacked by any bears. We did however see a few. Our first full day there we did a ten mile hike that took us 3000 feet up to some mountain top lakes. It was a tough hike, but it was all made worth it once we reached to top. The lakes were beautiful and we even saw a young cub on our way down.

Surprise lake was the first of the two lakes at the top.

About 4 tenths of a mile up was Amphitheater Lake.

Unfortunately our cameras zoom ends about here, so getting a better shot would have required getting closer to the bear and just couldn't put Crystal through that.

The next day we took a little easier because of the effects of the day before and went and saw the hidden falls next to South Jenny Lake.

That night we camped in Yellowstone and spent the next day seeing all the sights there.
We of course saw Old Faithful, but my personal favorite had to be the hot springs. The colors of the hot springs were incredible.

Today we went to Mount Evans which is one of the many 14er's found in the Rocky Mountains. I would like to say we got up early and spent all day hiking steep trails, but that was just not the case. We drove all but the last quarter mile or so. The views were great, but it was hard feeling like we had earned it.

Wednesday we are making the trip back to Tennessee and we are a little sad to leave Denver. We have had a blast here and we hope to make it back one day.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Thomas and Crystal's Denver Update

Life is coming to a close here in Denver. We have had so much fun here. Since we have only had one car, I've grown to love biking everywhere and take the bus. We'll be back home to Tennessee the beginning of July until early August, then it's to ummmmm.....not quiet sure yet. We miss everyone and are so excited to visit with everyone. We love you. Enjoy the blog.

The Denver Zoo. O.k I know this is really dorky to put all this pictures up of animals. But It was so fun to see all these animals God made. We felt like we were little kids again at the zoo.

Well, Hello Mr. Lion, easy there are kids here!!!

This is a turtle. And it's huge. I don't think I want to swim in a lake again.
There was this huge building full of snakes, I didn't even like going up to the glass.
We can always make time for ice cream.
This poor little girl had no idea she was flashing everyone. How cute!!
Has anyone ever seen and animal that looks like a zebra/deer/horse...didn't think so.
I love wort hogs,there adroable.

As if I wasn't already afraid of grizzly bears, this bears actually paced around eyeing everyone. You could totally tell they wanted to eat you. I'm investing in bear mace for hiking now.
Ever seen a hug bird like this...didn't think so.
Our break from Denver and trip to Desting Florida.
We were more excited about seafood than anything.

I think my dad is the darkest white person in the world. Sorry girls, he's married!!!
View of our beach house,it's the closest house to the beach in Seagrove. We love it.

My stepsister's daughter Eliza. Oh, the days when napping was a daily activity.
Thomas is going to kill me, but seriously, what a hottie!!!
I love him!!!!
Denver Botanical Gardens. It was gorgeous!!!!

These are my favorite.