Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Visit to Juarez Mexico

Today we got the chance to visit the mission base that Crystal lived at the summer of 2001 and more importantly, we got a chance to spend sometime with the kids at their after school program. It was an awesome blessing to spend time with them. They treated us to some great food, kicked my butt in soccer, beat Crystal in checkers, and all around made us laugh to no end. It was difficult seeing their surrounding environment, but encouraging to see the Godly people the Lord has put in their lives to minister to them on a daily basis. They didn't stop smiling the whole time and it shows in some of the pictures we got while we were there.

This picture is a great group shot that has something hidden within it that you might not catch at first glance. Check out the picture below it to see what I mean.

Please note the unsuspecting look on my face as I mentally exclaim "Cheese!" just seconds before getting absolutely pelted in the head with a huge balloon. This silent assassin made me realize that you are never truly safe when posing for a group photo. I am forever indebted to him for this harsh, yet effective lesson.

Tomorrow we are heading to White Sands National Monument to do some sand sledding. Should be interesting, so be looking out for some new pictures soon.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Denver or Bust!!!

As we are leaving the beautiful Grand Canyon National Park, we get word that our next stop will be Denver, Colorado. We have wanted to make it out to Denver ever since we started thinking about doing travel nursing and we are very excited.

We have had a great time checking out some of the national parks the last couple of days. Here are some pictures from our visits to Arches, Zion, and Grand Canyon National Parks.

Arches National Park

Zion National Park

Grand Canyon National Park

Friday, March 16, 2007

Farewell to SLC

As we come the end of our first travel assignment we once again face the challenge of finding our next assignment. We have a few leads that we are waiting to hear from that look promising in Colorado, California, and even Alaska. For the time being we are going to check out the rest of Utah as we make our way through some of the national parks. We hope to see Arches and Zion National Parks and then off to the Grand Canyon National Park. It will be fun to do some hiking and camping while we wait for our next assignment.

Here are a few pictures from our exciting time in Salt Lake City. It is beautiful here during the winter and we definitely hope to make it back here sometime soon.

Hope all is well where you are and we look forward to seeing you all soon. When we figure out where we will be next everybody needs to plan a time to come visit.
In Him,
Thomas and Crystal