Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!!

Hello Loved Ones!!! Thomas and I have offically decided that this assignment has been the quickest one. We feel like we just got here, but we only have less than two weeks left. Work here has been a challenge for both Thomas and I but we have very much enjoyed our time here. Thomas is absolutely obsessed with the weather here. Some of you may not know that Thomas is always...and I mean Here, there's a constant breeze and there's no humidity. He's very sad about going back out east where the humidity literally sufficates you. Me, on the other hand, has very much missed the humidity. I may have frizzy hair back home...but bring on the heat.
I think the thing that Thomas and I have truly enjoyed has been our church. We've been going to Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. Chuck Smith, the pastor, started this church back in the 60's. All it is is line by line, verse by verse teaching. From this church, sprang hundreds of Calvary Chapels around the world. We don't miss a service, because everytime we go we are incredibly blessed.

Please check out this site. It has amazing expository teaching that you can download.
We will be making out cross country trip(for the fourth time) in two weeks. Hopefully, we will get to see many of you. We're not sure where our next and final assignment will be. We will definitely keep you posted when we find out. We have a ton of pics on this one,b/c the ones from Yosemite were too hard to choose from.

We took a surfing was so hard...but still a ton of fun. I don't think I've ever had so many bruises on my body at one time. We are definitely going give this another try before we leave. Also, Thomas and I normally go to bed around 11pm, we were in the bed at 8:30 the day we surfed. We've never been so tired!!
We went camping in Yosemite for 2 days. Yosemite is literally breath-taking. This is Half-Dome.

"Soaking up God's creation"
Half-Dome and Yosemite Falls.

Thomas and I did a long hike called Nevada Falls. It's a long hike that takes you past 2 huge falls. It was the most beautiful hike I've ever done!!
Resting at the top..look at that view.

This is the first fall that you pass on the way up "Mist Trail". You get soaked as your walking by.

This squirrel really wanted some of Thomas' almonds.

We spent a night camping in the Santa Cantalina Islands, which made for some interesting hair. Its about 45 miles off the coast of Long Beach. It's like your in another country. It was so beautiful!!!

Wet suits....not so flattering....we went snorkeling, the water was so cold that my hands went completely numb. But of course,we still had fun.
Sorry, a little out of order...El Capitan is on the left.
The massive El Capitan!!! It takes around a week to climb the face of it.
Check out our sweet ride we had in Cantilina...we almost wrecked a few times. Once we almost crashed when a tour bus drove by...yeap..they stopped and asked if we were O.K. Embarrassing.
Thomas making his right turn signal on our tandem bike.

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