Monday, September 15, 2008

God Bless America, Land that I Love.....

Well.....Our last and final stop...Washington, D.C.
After almost 2 years of traveling, we have decided that D.C. will be it before we move home and "settle down," whatever that may mean.
We have been here since mid-August and will be here until around the end of November.
What an exciting time to be here during this historical election year.

So, after a rocky start in getting to D.C., we are finally feeling more settled. My traveling nursing company dropped the ball on our housing the day before we were planning to leave. The day we left, we had no housing set-up. We actually almost backed out and didn't go. However, God is faithful, and provided us with an awesome place to stay until we found our own apartment.
Mike and Michelle Thress and there 4 kids, Zachary, McKaleh, Gabrielle, Simeon. They are from Knoxville, and Mike and Michelle actually did our premarriage counseling 3 years ago. Mike had a job opportunity to move to DC for about 2 years. We stayed in their finished basement. It was such a blessing to live with them.

Arlington Cemetery.

National Air and Space Museum.
Washington Monument...our great of a pic is this!!
National Archives.
Me and my sister, Brittany, soaking our feet at a park in DC. We took DC by storm in 3 days.
Hello Mr. President. I'm on a mission to meet the Pres. I think I'm going to pull it off.
WW II Memorial.
I have always wanted to see the Lincoln Memorial since I was little. Lincoln's my fav. Pres.
Jefferson Memorial

"God who gave us life gave us liberty....these liberties are the gift of God.."
Being here as really made me fall in love with our country. Not to sound cheesy, but Thomas and I are so thankful to have been born in such a blessed nation. People come here from all over the world to see all the sites in D.C. For those you who haven't made it to D.C. yet, put it on your "places to travel" list.


Clare's Amazing Adventures... said...

Crystal & Thomas...I love your pictures! D.C. is also one of my favorite places and it looks like you really have taken advantage of it! I miss carpool though and was hoping you might be doing ONE LAST ASSIGNMENT in Utah. Thanks for passing my name on. I have yet to connect with Jared but have left a few messages. Love the pictures from Yosemite. That was definatley a favorite of mine.
Miss you!
Love, Clare

Bill and Mandy Guidry said...

Hey Crystal! I decided would check your blog and see where you are and how you are doing. DC is awesome huh. I lived there for 4 years and just loved it. What hospital are you working for? How is that? I did my peds clinicals at Gerorgetown, but I went to most of the hospitals out there.

I actually have some questions for you about travel nursing. I guess the most important one is what company has been your favorite? We are thinking about doing it for a little while during the winter.

Well have fun. Go hike Old Rag in the Shannendoahs (sp?) It is my favorite one out there, especially in the fall.